MDOT Contracts Advertised for a September 25, 2024 letting.
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CallDescriptionProposalEBSx FileAddendaEBSx AmendFuel PricesBid ListCadd FilesPlan IndexPermit DocBid TabulationsBid or Purchase
01 Mill & Overlay approximately 10 miles of US 45 from the Kemper County Line to south of the Macon Bypass, known as Project No. SP-0002-03(096) / 109003301 in Noxubee County.
Request to Bid
02 Mill & Overlay approximately 5 miles of US 49 from Richard Kendrick Drive to Seminary, known as Project No. NHPP-0008-02(121) / 108719301 in Covington County.
Request to Bid
03 Bridge Repair on US 82 over Bogue Phalia (Bridge Nos. 22.1 A & B), known as Federal Aid Project No. NHPP-0011-01(076) / 109504301 in Washington County.
Request to Bid

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04 Electrical Repairs to the Lighting System on I-20 from SR 18 to I-55 & on I-55 from I-20 to the Rankin County Line, known as Federal Aid Project No. STBG-0020-01(283) / 108902306 in Hinds County.
Project Completion: 10/15/2025
Request to Bid
05 Installation of an Intersection Conflict Warning System & Clearing at the intersection of SR 9 & SR 334, known as Federal Aid Project No. HSIP-0050-01(042) / 109485301 in Pontotoc County.
Project Completion: 8/8/2025
Request to Bid
06 Bridge Preservation on SR 25 over Plummer Slough (Bridge No. 12.7), known as Federal Aid Project No. NHPP-0056-01(105) / 108281301 in Rankin County.
Request to Bid

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07 Bridge Repair on Dunns Fall Road over I-59 (Bridge No. 139.4) & Norman Road over I-20 (Bridge No. 111.3), known as Federal Aid Project Nos. STBG-0059-03(104) / 109528301 & STBG-0020-02(107) / 109529301 in Lauderdale & Newton Counties.
Request to Bid
08 Overlay approximately 16 miles of SR 57 from Ratliff Lane to the George County Line & overlay approximately 9 miles of SR 57 from SR 26 to the Greene County Line, known as Project Nos. STBG-0066-02(009) / 108688301 & STBG-0066-02(006) / 108701301 in Jackson & George Counties.
Request to Bid
09 Overlay approximately 11 miles of SR 29 from 1 mile south of US 98 to Daughtry Hill Road, known as Project No. STBG-0224-00(053) / 108956301 in Perry County.
Request to Bid
10 Bridge Repair on SR 322 over the Panola & Quitman Floodway (Bridge No. 41.9), known as Federal Aid Project No. STBG-0836-00(016) / 109498301 in Panola County.
Project Completion: 11/25/2025
Request to Bid
11 Overlay approximately 4 miles of SR 184/98 from US 84 W to US 84 E, known as Project No. SP-2161-00(002) / 108990301 in Franklin County.
Request to Bid
12 Bridge Preventive Maintenance on I-10 over the Pascagoula River (Bridge Nos. 65.4A & 65.4 B), known as Federal Aid Project No. STBG-9999-06(380) / 108779306 in Jackson County.
Request to Bid