Teen Driver Safety Project Ideas

Looking for project ideas to get your class more involved in driver safety? Explore some of our ideas below:

  • Host a Public Service Announcement Contest on the subjects of seat belts, impaired driving, or distracted driving. Students can create and submit their own 30-45 second PSA. Students can solicit local businesses and restaurants to donate gift cards for the winners.
  • Organize a poster contest. Students can submit their own original artwork. Students can partner with a local artist or art class to come up with a concept.
  • Start a SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) chapter, or have students get involved with a current chapter.
  • Student Travel Evaluation - Study how students travel to and from school and collect data about student travel, important issues and parental attitudes.
  • Determine how walkable and bikeable your community is by having students complete a Walkability Checklist and Bikeability Checklist. From there, have students come up with a plan to improve the neighborhood for active transportation.