Abstract Details
The theme of this conference is Riding the Waves of Innovation: Sustainable Solutions in Hydraulic Engineering for a Dynamic Future. Conference presentations will reflect the theme and describe research and innovations addressing the changing challenges transportation agencies face constructing, maintaining, sustaining, and improving hydraulic structures in the present and future physical, natural, social, and economic environments. Topics of interest include:
- Flood Mitigation and Resilience
- Climate Change
- Hydrology and Hydrologic Modeling
- Hydraulic Modeling
- Scour and Bridge Hydraulics
- Stream Stability and Countermeasures
- Fluvial Geomorphology and Sediment Transport
- Culvert Hydraulics
- Aquatic Organism Passage
- Stormwater Design and Management
- Stormwater Quality
- Coastal Engineering
- More information can be found on the conference website at NHEC.