MDOT Contracts Advertised for a February 27, 2024 letting.
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01 Mill & Overlay approximately 15 miles of SR 12 from US 49W to US 49E, known as Federal Aid Project No. STP-0018-02(059) / 108214301 & 302 in Humphreys & Holmes Counties.
02 Placement of Audible Stripe on SR 28 & SR 27, known as Federal Aid Project No. HSIP-0054-01(067) / 109550301 & 302 in Copiah & Jefferson Counties.
03 Overlay approximately 8 miles of SR 27 from Dewey Ballard Road to just north of US 84, known as Federal Aid Project No. STBG-0054-01(061) / 109246301 & Roundabout Construction on SR 27 at West Thomas E Jolly Drive, known as Federal Aid Project No. CRP-0054-01(063) / 109274301 in Lawrence County.
Project Completion: 11/15/2024
04 Overlay approximately 6 miles of SR 42 from the intersection of SR 15 to the Greene County Line, known as Federal Aid Project No. STBG-0063-03(013) / 109242301 in Perry County.
06 Placement of Stripe on various routes throughout the District, known as Federal Aid Project No. STBG-9999-03(393) / 1088113031, 3032, 3033, & 3034 and State Project No. SP-9999-03(395) / 10881130311 in Bolivar, Sunflower, Washington, & Humphreys Counties.

Contracts Advertised for Two Months for a  letting

CallDescriptionProposalEBSx FileAddendaEBSx Amend Bid ListCadd FilesPlan IndexPermit DocBid Tabulations
01 Pavement Restoration of approximately 5 miles of I-55 from SR 24 to US 98 & Roundabout Construction at US 98, known as Federal Aid Project Nos. IM-0055-01(123) / 108812301, CRP-0055-01(123) / 108812302, & STBG-0055-01(123) / 1088123021 in Pike County.

Project Completion: 8/27/2027
01 Grade, Drain, Bridge, Pave on SR 2 from existing SR 15 to SR 15 Bypass & Grade, Drain, Bridge, 4 Lanes on SR 15 from just north of the Union County Line to 1 mile north of SR 4 at Ripley, known as Federal Aid Project Nos. STP-2911-00(001) / 105890301 & STBG-0022-04(070) / 101631301 in Tippah County.