Schedule of Proposed Projects

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Welcome to MDOT’s Schedule of Proposed Projects. Listed below are projects currently scheduled during the period of October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2027. You may sort the list by clicking on any header. You may also filter the list by either entering filter criteria in the filter box below each column header or by selecting values using the down arrow next to the header title.

Disclaimer:This list is the schedule from MDOT’s project planning system as of Feb 12, 2025. This schedule is a work in progress and is subject to revision on a continuous basis. There are many factors that may cause a project to be moved to an earlier or later year.


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DetailsAdams2025108720/30100061CONActiveOverlayUS 61 From Washington to Jefferson CLNHPP-0009-01(149)
DetailsAdams2025108720/30199961CONActiveOverlayUS 61 From Washington to Jefferson CLNHPP-0009-01(149)
DetailsAdams2025109436/307000 CONActiveSafetyUS 84 & US 61 Interchange - SignageNHPP-0055-01(128)
DetailsAdams2025309622/301000 MAINTPlannedClearingAdams Co Dead Tree Removal Various RoutesMP-7000-01(345)
DetailsAdams2025109045/301000555CONPlannedThin LiftSR 555 From 4-Lane to End of State MaintenanceSP-0158-00(018)
DetailsAdams2026109668/30100061CONPlannedBridge RepairUS 61 over St. Catherine Creek (49.5A & 49.5B)NHPP-0009-01(157)
DetailsAlcorn2025109671/30100072CONPlannedBridge RepairUS 72 over KCS RR (64.4)NHPP-0007-01(103)
DetailsAlcorn2025109451/30100072CONPlannedMill & OverlayUS 72 From Tippah County to SR 2NHPP-0007-01(101)
DetailsAlcorn2025109533/301000 CONActiveBridge RepairSR 2 Over Tuscumbia River and Tuscumbia River Relief (bridge #s 45.6, 45.7 & 45.8)STBG-0033-02(006)
DetailsAlcorn2025108912/3010002CONActiveMill & OverlaySR 2 FM US 45 TO SR 350SP-0027-01(006)
DetailsAlcorn2025108912/3019992CONActiveMill & OverlaySR 2 FM US 45 TO SR 350SP-0027-01(006)
DetailsAlcorn2025108912/302000350CONActiveMill & OverlaySR 350 FM SR 2 TO TISHOMINGO CLSP-1989-00(012)
DetailsAlcorn2025108912/302999350CONActiveMill & OverlaySR 350 FM SR 2 TO TISHOMINGO CLSP-1989-00(012)
DetailsAlcorn2026109089/301000356CONPlannedBridge ReplacementSR 356 two Bridge Replacement (#5.6 & 5.7)STBG-0946-00(015)
DetailsAlcorn2026109217/30100072CONPlannedRealignmentUS 72 @ Liddon Lake RoadSTBG-0007-01(099)
DetailsAmite2025309622/303000 MAINTPlannedClearingAmite Co Dead Tree Removal Various RoutesMP-7000-03(346)
DetailsAmite2026308852/30100033MAINTPlannedOverlaySR 33 Truck Lane SectionMP-7033-03(003)
DetailsAmite2027109798/30200098CONPlannedOverlayUS 98 Fr Lincoln CL to Pike CLNH-0046-01(018)
DetailsAttala2026308834/30100019MAINTPlannedMill & OverlaySR 19 From Winston County Line to SR 14MP-2019-04(011)
DetailsAttala2026108287/30200012CONPlannedBridge PreservationSR 12 over Big Black River (83.4)STP-0018-02(057)
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