Virtual Driver Interactive ®
The Virtual Driver Interactive® Distracted/Impaired Driving Simulator allows participants a first-person account of the real-life consequences of distracted or impaired driving. In the Distracted option, participants maneuver their virtual vehicle through various on-screen scenarios while text messaging with the computer's program. With the Impaired option, the simulator responds to driver commands with an approximate ½ second delay, which demonstrates the delayed reactions of an impaired driver.

The simulator consists of a flat-screen computer monitor, a steering wheel, and a pedal assembly. The distraction and impairment programs are Virtual Driver Interactive, Inc. One Simple Decision® software.
MDOT has two Virtual Distracted/Impaired Driving Simulators which are available for demonstration at schools attended by students in grades seven and up, and for various safety events.
There is no charge associated with demonstrations; however, we do have a few limitations. Below is some general information for those hoping to schedule a demonstration:
- Since the equipment consists of sensitive electronic components, demonstrations must be held indoors, or under pre-approved shelter. Requests for outdoor demonstrations will be taken on a case by case basis.
- The simulators have their own specialized tables on which they are placed, but we do require two chairs be provided for each simulator.
- We must have access to electricity (a standard 110 wall outlet) within 50 feet of the simulator.
- Demonstrations work best with smaller groups (approximately 20-50 people). Requests for larger groups will be considered on a case by case basis.
- “Driving” the course takes between two and four minutes per participant. The simulation offers a consequence-video sequence at the end of each driving simulation which takes an additional 5 minutes. If there are time constraints, we are able to pause the consequence sequence and show that portion only once, as the “finale” after all participants have driven the course.